Jun 5, 2010

Working with Zend

A few weeks back I got a change to use Zend for a project . I don't know if I should name it in my blog , anyways its called Hubbub mortgage oppurtunity builder. Its a huge and complicated site . Its complicated not only because of the requirement's complexity but because zend is not able to handle the complex nature of the project.
Before this project I have woked with Rails. During my whole time in this project I was think how easier it would have been if the site was in Rails. One of the reason behind my thought might be that I wasn't involved in the project from the beginning so working with other's code is a hard job to fullfill.
Along with the code complexity another frustrating thing was that I couldn't install zend in my machine. I tried with various blogs and google for 2 days but to no avail. Even the senior working on zend for some time couln't fix the issue. There might be come mistakes I had done but this does not hide the complexity of zend during the setup. One of the designer in the team was even saying it is impossible to install zend in Windows.
Overall, I found zend to be not so helpful framework atleast in comparision to Rails or even Spring MVC.